
Java Runtime Analysis Toolkit


JRat Quick Start Guide (pre-Java 5)

If you're still using Java 1.4 or earlier versions of java, the javaagent option is not avalible to you, and you will need to inject your bytecode at "build time" (as oposed to "run time").

This document intends to be a first time walk through for developers new to JRat.

2. Inject your Application's Classes

Once you have built your application, you will no doubt have a directory full of classes, jar files, or both. JRat needs to modify your class files in order to monitor what your code is doing.

Open the JRat Desktop with the following command.

java -Xmx256M -jar shiftone-jrat.jar
There are two menu bar options under Inject.

It is important to understand that your application now has a dependency on JRat. Your program will no longer run without JRat. To uninstall JRat you need to recompile your java code.